Friday 11 January 2013

Genre: The Codes And Conventions Of My Film.

My Chosen Genre Is Action Thriller.

The certificate of action films usually ranges between certificate 12 and certificate 18, with the aim of maximising youth audiences as much as possible.the action genre is often hybridised with Sci Fi, Adventure, and Thriller Genres, some of which work fairly well (V For Vendetta, is an example of this. the  fusion of the two genre's is almost faultless in this film), and some dont.
Major studios usually produce and distribute action films, and often most of the action hybrid genres of film. these types of films almost always have high production values including CGI effects. the editing of these type of films is generally fast paced, to re-inforce the sense of action. Action films generally have a predictable chain of events – cause and effect, however with the inclusion of thriller, these predictable events can become more spontaneous, adding to the structure of the film. A single stranded, linear, closed narrative is mostly used, where the protagonist is effected by the actions of the antagonist, usually there is a main fight scene towards the end of the film, at which point order is restored, or justice is served.
most of the non-diegetic sound used in the film is dramatic, and kind of seperateds the film from the real world, but not so much as to suggest it be a SCI-Fi or Fantasy film, as it still retains most of the elements of a real life situation, but is generally exaggerated quite a bit.
More narrative action codes than enigma codes are used.
Star Marketing: Audience identification/expectations (Cruise/ Pitt/ Willis/ Jolie/ Stallone/ Craig/ Schwarzenegger etc...Romantic sub-plot, Humorous dialogue Relationships with new technology whic would appeal to the lower end of the target audience - youth audiences.
Use of close up/Insert shots/High Key Lighting
Dominant representation of gender: male/female action hero.
    Here is an extract from the film "V for Vendetta".

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