Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in your progression from it to the full product?

In my preliminary task, I failed to create a solid and effective script, which is something I was able to change between the preliminary task and the main project. For my preliminary task, to say there was little planning would be an understatement, as there was effectively no planning involved. My group and I simply had one or two discussions about ideas and then proceeded to film the scenes, which is the main reason as to why the preliminary task was a failure. These failures, however, allowed me to see what I had done wrong, and then build upon those things to ensure that all planning for the main project was thorough. During the editing process, the job of editor was left to one of my group members, with little to no input or help from anyone else in the group, a factor which I was able to alter during my main project. The best thing about my preliminary task was the feedback I received from my classmates, as this was the main basis for improvement which I later applied to my main project. one area which remained constant from the preliminary task to the main project is teamwork, or rather, the lack of it. for the preliminary task, i effectively threw an idea down,and everyone in the group accepted it, without question, so there was a lac of creativity and deviation which could have potentially improved out preliminary sequence.

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